Our small valley has an all volunteer fire department and, almost, everyone plays a part. We have a Fire Chief, Assistant Fire Chief, Fire Fighters, traffic controllers, people who keep the paperwork and many others. We all have pagers and when those pagers go off, we go running. It's usually Daniel and his brother, Doug, who are first at the station and then, first at the scene. Depending upon where the rest of the volunteers are, they come as they are able.
It's a real community affair and one of which we're exceptionally proud. You see, there are only about twenty-six people who live in the Cove and we're all doing our part.
The beautiful autumnal decorations at the station were put in place by Bogey and Doug, the same Doug who is a Fire Fighter and brother to Daniel. Bogey decided, and then put into action, her plan of decorating the fire station. Isn't it lovely? Most of the decorations came from neighboring farms and add to the loveliness we view every day. Bogey, with her sister-in-law, Meredith who is married to Daniel, handle the paperwork that comes with every call.
The door needs painting, it seems, every year and we're rushing to get it painted before cold weather sets in.
Thanks, Bogey and Doug; it looks great; well done!
Sandra at Thistle Cove Farm and Volunteer Traffic Controller -smile-