Sunday, September 14, 2014

Annual Meeting, Picnic and Fundraiser

The Cove Community Annual Meeting and Picnic, at the Cove School, is the last Sunday in September, 28th, at 5:00. 
It's covered dish; please bring a dish to share and beverages will be provided. 

Membership dues may be paid at that time - 
$3/person or $5/couple.

If you want to be added to the e-mailing list, your membership dues must be paid then send us your e-address.

The 20th reunion of the movie 
is Saturday, October 11 from 10:00 until 4:00. 
Wagon rides, hot dogs and fixings, soft beverages
and the movie will be shown.
It all begins at the Cove School at 10:00!
This is a fundraiser to repair the roof on the school building.

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